Genies/khodams that May be Commanded
Warning! We do not recommend genie items for novices in the occult. If you are searching for easy communication with genies, their manifestation each time you call upon them, or for instant results everytime you command them--then do look elsewhere. Having a genie in real life is unlike the genies portrayed in Hollywood movies or in fairy tales. If you would like to depend on genies to solve your problems without any effort on your part you would be totally disappointed. Genie items are not for the under-aged or the immature. Wrong attitudes and approaching or applying genie or magickal items inappropriately would simply result in failure or unsatisfactory results. Photos of Genies
Hizib Asma' Nashor Magickal Power
Code: Magick101
Contains 8 essential powers:
Asma' Hizib Khodimul Ghoib
Asma' Mahabbahy Syirry
Asma' Hizib Bahr
Asma' Karomah Al'akasah
Asma' Miftahul Arzaq
Asma' Hizib Nawawi
Asma' Nashr Kubro
Asma' Hizib Kubro
Programmable familiar spirit! For all sorts of purposes! Simple rituals to
solve the varied problems of life. For those over 18.
Batu Kayu Merah
Code: Magick159
Similar to Mustika Merah Delima (magick154) but with increased/additional
powers due to an intense consecration process. No fasting or difficult rituals
on the part of the user! Among its virtues : Invulnerability against all
sharp weapons and fire-arms; power punch; anti-black magick; anti-hypnotism;
psychic protection; magickal body-guard; attracts luck and blessings; influence
the mind of others; psychic detection; cause eggs to turn to stone;
change the taste of cigarettes; fills objects with power; increase psychic
sensitivity; maintain youth--regeneration; improves appearances; charismatic
powers; make the "powder of youth"; transfer illnesses to eggs; heal ailments;
psychic cleansing; attraction; improves intuitive powers; indwelling familiar
spirit--communicate with it; remove bad-luck; peace of mind; etc.
Stone of the Angelic
Code: Magick195
Consecrated for the duration of 999 days, this stone has the power of hundreds
of angelic khodam for protection, healing, attraction, luck, etc. A very
powerful and rare item. Khodam may be commanded.
Kuntuk Tulung Stone
Magickal stone with 2 khodams or spirit-servants that may be commanded
for various purposes such as attracting customers for your business, call
runaways, heal or protect people, influence others, attract the opposite
sex, etc.
Julfior Ilham Stone
This enchanted stone has a khodamic-spirit that can help you to acquire
any information that you require and reveal them to you in your dreams.
The Khodams/Genies of the 7 Letters
The alphabet of the Hijaiyah consists of 28 letters; each one contains
deep secrets as mentioned by spiritual teachers among whom, Imam Khawarazmi
Rahimahullahu Taala. Certain seven letters or characters of the Arabic alphabet
are referred to as "sawaaqithul faatihah," cause they do not appear in the
Al-Fatihah verse. Each one of these characters has its own special khodam/genie
and spiritual practice/sadhana--conjure these genies for their assistance.
The secrets of the seven letters are revealed. This item is a manuscript
of 7-genie formulas.
Sewu Jinn Business & Career Success
Once you receive and apply this item the jinn-khodam will exert his
best effort 24 hours a day in helping you to manifest your desire to be
successful with your job, advance your career, attain prestige, or promote
your business to gain wealth and acquire riches. No unusual sacrifices or
risks involved--there is but one obligation: to help others as you have been
helped--also to donate to the poor annually. This powerful item is only for
those who desire to be successful and wealthy in a relatively short period
of time. This item has been sought for by many business people!
Singo Barong Magickal Stone
This stone has powerful magickal energies. Suitable for those who
spend their time with games, speculation and gambling. The khodam-spirit
of the stone aids you to confuse the mind of your opponent and cause them
to become nervous. The spirit-intelligence helps to strengthen your thoughts
and mental creativity so that you may easily be a winner in whatever game
you play.
Khodam-Spirit Power-Companion
With this empowered item/s you can request whatever help you require
from your magickal companion. You will be accompanied by a khodam-spirit
wherever you go and no matter where you may be. A Javanese magickal
Magickal Khodam of Nini Blorong
This magickal power will aid you to be prosperous, acquire financial
security, wealth and abundance. The khodam/genie of Nini Blorong (a Naga
queen) will do its work quietly without harming the user, his family, or
anyone else in any way. It is simple to use. This is a Javanese-occult item
(an effigy of Nini Blorong) to be installed in the home/office/shop.
Spiritual Invisible Helper
Have your own invisible helper from the higher astral worlds! This
magickal item has a spiritual helper, an ancestor human spirit associated
with it. It causes the spirit to follow you and be your constant companion.
The invisible ancestor-spirit will be there to guide, inspire, protect and
aid you in many ways. It will know and understand your thoughts and feelings
and the background and circumstances of your life. The spirit cannot be commanded
but it will function automatically on its own accord to help you fulfill
your mission in life, to help fulfill your needs, to inspire you. Invisible
helpers are human spirits sworn to serve their human charge--this work helps
them to evolve rapidly into the Light. Stock is limited.
The Flower
Code: Magick425
A high-class fairy of joy, love, abundance, success, creativity, healing,
and popularity! This fairy can be your daily companion to assist you with
the foregoing--allow it to be your muse, your guide and helper! Special ritual
prayer to the Supreme Being for assistance in any matter--the fairy will
function and aid you under the command and authority of the Supreme
Intelligence--the fairy works best if your problem or need is in its field
of expertise. The fairy can follow you around to do its work. The name of
the fairy is given with the occult object that it associates with. If you
are psychically sensitive and are clairvoyant you may see the fairy and converse
directly with it. The item is easy to use even for the novice in occult matters.
Stock is limited.
The House-Hold
Code: Magick426
If you require a genie that can aid you in various matters then this
genie is the one to choose. The manner in which it functions and works is
through divine commandment--the Supreme Being assigns tasks to the genie
that will help take care of your need or to fix a problem--your need is conveyed
to the Supreme Being through prayer. The genie is especially skillful in
matters that a householder would encounter--finances, domestic issues,
environmental problems, protection of the home, etc. The genie is an invisible
companion and can follow you everywhere you go if it has no task to perform--you
may feel its presence often through signs and sensations. If you are clairvoyant
you may even see it before you--direct conversation with it is then possible.
The genie has a name and this is given with the occult object that it refers
to as "home." Those limited in magickal knowledge and skill will find this
item easy to use even with the simple chanting required. Stock is
Code: Magick429
A powerful genie to help you out with improving your business and financial
affairs. It helps you to acquire wealth, to be prosperous and to have abundance.
If your business is facing a financial crisis or problems of bankruptcy,
if you ever find yourself deep in debt, this genie will also help
you out of your problems. The Wealth Genie is a specialist in this field
of finances and can help to inspire you with ways in making money; it certainly
helps to influence people to your advantage and to arrange for you to be
offered opportunities and to help you have favourable outcomes in deals and
negotiations. The genie works under divine command--your prayers of need
are submitted to the Supreme Being and the genie is assigned the task of
helping you out. The genie would be your constant companion and you may sense
its presence regularly--you may even see it under the right conditions. The
genie associates itself with an object that it regards as "home." Usage is
simple and the prayer-ritual is not too time-consuming. Suitable even for
novices of the occult. Stock is limited.
The Violet
Code: Magick430
This violet-fairy helps you to solve problems--it is a trouble-shooter. If
you have any difficulties this fairy-spirit, under the authority of the Supreme
Being, will offer its aid and help you to overcome the crisis or situation
that you need controlled or resolved in your favor. The violet-fairy
can transmute your problem into nothingness so long as you are on the path
of righteousness and your request is supported by Divine Law. Wherever you
go the fairy may follow you around--its presence can be felt and if you have
some clairvoyant ability you may even see it. When this happens you may converse
freely with this beautiful fairy. It is possible that you may also meet the
fairy in your dreams or when you are in the boderline state between dreaming
and being physically conscious. The fairy comes with an object which it
associates itself with--and its name is given. This item is easy to use with
a simple prayer-ritual for submitting your requests to Heaven. Stock is
The Solar-Rayed
Code: Magick431
The Solar-Rayed Genie specializes in protecting its Keeper against
mishaps, accidents, physical/psychic attacks. It is basically a bodyguard
but can help you out in matters of healing, career, collecting or paying
of debts; it can help you increase your commanding presence, charisma, personal
magnetism, and social popularity. The Solar-Rayed Genie can help your business
to grow and the sales of your goods to increase--help your shop, restaurant
or any business establishment to have more customers and clients. The
genie follows you around to ensure of your constant safety and protection.
The genie associates itself with an object--this is given along with the
name of the genie. The latter works under divine command as you submit your
prayers to Heaven. The genie may be seen if you have your clairvoyant faculty
functioning, otherwise, you may just sense its presence every now and then.
The prayer-ritual requires chanting but it is not too difficult to do. Stock
is limited.
Genie & the Mystic
Code: Magick449
An exquisite and wonderful mystic-vessel with its very own genie!
The genie of this mystic-vessel is accomplished and helpful in the following
matters: increasing one's luck potential; protection against all negative
forces, entities, psychic attacks, accidents, aggressors, etc.; an attractive
and magnetic presence; charisma and a commanding-presence; helpful in healing
physical ailments; success in business transactions, negotiations, and tenders;
advancement in career, rank, social status, political station, etc.; payment
of debts; acquisition of a soul-mate; protection of your home or any site
against intruders. The genie works under divine command--your
prayers of need are submitted to the Supreme Being and the genie is assigned
the task of helping you out. The genie would be your constant companion and
you may sense its presence regularly--you may even see it under the right
conditions. The genie associates itself with an object that it regards as
"home." Usage is simple and the prayer-ritual is not too time-consuming.
Suitable even for novices of the occult. Stock is limited.
Wish-Fulfilling Genie
Code: Magick466
Those involved in commerce, business, and trade will find this item
most useful. The power of this empowered cow-bell is due to the 3 servant
genies of Allah who are associated with it. This magickal item assists you
to become prosperous and wealthy--to succeed in your business and to pay
your debts easily. With this item luck will come your way from every direction.
You will have an abundance of every essential need. Submit your wish and
desire in regards to whatever monetary (or worldly) matter to Allah and the
genies would be appointed to help you out; they would also assist you
automatically without asking should you tread the path towards the heart
of Allah. Chanting of Islamic verses and Divine Names are required--the bell
is to be rung 3x during the ritual. Stock is limited.
The Albino Crocodile Genie
Code: Magick470
With this magickal item your financial status would improve and progress
at an accelerated pace. Your sales would soar; your career would improve;
you will close business deals and win tenders; debts will be paid, you will
receive promotions and win elections, etc. This genie item is a blend of
Javanese occultism and Islamic ah-Hikmah. The genie associates itself with
an object--this is given along with the name of the genie. The latter works
under divine command as you submit your prayers to Heaven. The genie may
be seen if you have your clairvoyant faculty functioning, otherwise, you
may just sense its presence every now and then. The ritual requires some
simple chanting. This item is named after the special power-mantra used in
the ritual. Stock is limited.
Genie of Obstruction
Code: Magick492
This item will help you to subdue tyrannical persons or those involved
in criminal activities that affect the welfare and the integrity of society
as a whole. Business people bent on destroying Nature and the environment
for their own selfish purposes can also be stopped by using the services
of this particular genie that will wreak havoc, cause chaos or upset the
evil plans and machinations of these individuals who would control and manipulate
others for their own self-aggrandizement or turn the masses into mindless
slaves. The item is easy to use without any chanting or fasting involved.
It does, however, require you to have access to the external area of the
subject's home. Do not misuse this item as it will result in grave karmic
Super Guman Thong Genie
Code: Magick505
A higher-class genie in the form of a child! A very efficient,
high-strength worker and servitor--especially proficient in matters of improving
finances/business affairs; prosperity; wealth; payment of debts; increase
in sales of department stores, shops, restaurants, business establishments,
etc. The genie works under divine command--your prayers of need are submitted
to the Supreme Being and the genie is assigned the task of helping you out.
The genie would be your constant companion and you may sense its presence
regularly--you may even see it under the right conditions. The genie associates
itself with an object that it regards as "home." Usage is simple and the
prayer-ritual is not too time-consuming. Suitable even for novices of the
occult. This is a Javanese item. Stock is limited.
Magickal Genie
Code: Magick512
A high-class genie associated with a small talismanic object that can be
carried around! The genie-spirit functions automatically for certain tasks
without any commanding required! Just carry the empowered object for protection
against all harm and danger; for invulnerability against sharp weapons, etc.
Install the magickal item in your home for the protection of everyone against
black-magic, psychic attacks, malicious implants, obnoxious entities--the
genie will ensure that all attacks would return to their sender! To heal
someone of spirit-possession, to exorcise, simply steep the object into a
glass of water and have the victim drink it. To clear a space of negative
spirits and harmful beings such as when conducting a sacred, spiritual or
magickal ceremony, simply place the occult item in the center of the Circle,
on the altar, or somewhere appropriate. The genie can be requested to assist
you in various mundane purposes, of which chanting is required. The occult
power lying within the object can be perceived through practicing a certain
exercise; the genie can be known through conducting the given dream-ritual--or
the user will get to know the genie and his particulars as time passes. This
is a rare Javanese item. Stock is limited
Old Kingdom
Code: Magick516
This is a higher class and old genie that can assist its Keeper solve
many matters and problems. It has all the functions and powers of other genies
but because of its expertise and experience, it works effectively and can
produce results quickly--if God so wills it and supported by the Keeper's
good karma. The genie follows its Keeper around unless otherwise instructed
and with prayers to the Almighty. The genie associates itself with an
object--this is given along with the name of the genie. The latter works
under divine command as you submit your prayers to Heaven. The genie may
be seen if you have your clairvoyant faculty functioning, otherwise, you
may just sense its presence every now and then. The prayer-ritual requires
chanting but it is not too difficult to do. The genie is of the old faith
and resonates well with Keepers of Hindu/Buddhic/Christian religions.
Stock is limited.
Code: Magick517
Another higher class and old genie that can assist its Keeper solve
many matters and problems. This class of genie is similar to Magick 516 except
that it resonates well with those of the muslim faith. It has all the functions
and powers of other genies but because of its expertise and experience, it
works effectively and can produce results quickly--if God so wills it and
supported by the Keeper's good karma. The genie follows its Keeper around
unless otherwise instructed and with prayers to the Almighty. The genie
associates itself with an object--this is given along with the name of the
genie. The latter works under divine command as you submit your prayers to
Heaven. The genie may be seen if you have your clairvoyant faculty functioning,
otherwise, you may just sense its presence every now and then. The prayer-ritual
requires chanting but it is not too difficult to do. Stock is limited.
Boy-Wonder Genie
Code: Magick526
This Boy-Wonder Genie works wonders for your prosperity, business
sales and financial improvement. Install this item in your shop, stall, kiosk,
restaurant or site of commerce and watch customers and people flock to your
establishment. Install one in your office and clients will feel at ease with
you and trust your firm, they will award you with projects and agree to deals.
Have negotiations run smoothly in your favor--the Boy-Wonder Genie will cause
people to be enchanted with you. Some chanting is required to work with this
Javanese-occult item, though it is not difficult. Stock is limited.
Genie Princess
Code: Magick529
This highly skilled Genie-Princess is capable of assisting its Master
in varied mundane matters. This attractive genie works under the authority
of the Supreme Being, and can aid in matters of business, winning tenders,
financial improvement and stability; games of speculation; gambling; luck;
advancement in career, rank, position; attracting a soul-mate; charisma,
attractiveness, personal magnetism, power of influence, etc. Wherever you
go, the Genie-Princess may follow you around--its presence can be felt and
if you have some clairvoyant ability you may even see it. When this happens
you may converse freely with this exquisite-looking fairy. It is possible
that you may also meet the genie-fairy in your dreams or when you are in
the borderline-state between dreaming and being physically conscious. The
genie-fairy princess comes with an object which it associates itself with--and
its name is given. This item is easy to use and only requires basic occult
skills in visualization, concentration, attunement, relaxation, etc. Stock
is limited.
Code: Magick530
A highly-skilled temple-fairy from a sacred-site in East Java, Indonesia!
This fairy can help you improve your psychic-sensitivity, ESP, and assist
you to heal others or to solve problems. If you have a spiritual, psychic,
magiickal, shamanic, or a metaphysical practice, this is the fairy to acquire
as your personal assistant. T\he Temple-Fairy will also help you to develop
charm, personal magnetism, a commanding-presence, etc. Wherever
you go, the Genie-Princess may follow you around--its presence can be felt
and if you have some clairvoyant ability you may even see it. When this happens
you may converse freely with this exquisite-looking fairy. It is possible
that you may also meet the genie-fairy in your dreams or when you are in
the borderline-state between dreaming and being physically conscious. The
genie-fairy princess comes with an object which it associates itself with--and
its name is given. This item is easy to use and only requires basic occult
skills in visualization, concentration, attunement, relaxation, etc. Stock
is limited.
Genie of the
Code: Magick531
A power-amulet with a potent female genie from the South-Java Sea
attached to it! This occult curio is easy to use with just a nominal amount
of chanting required in Javanese/Arabic. Command the genie for protection
against danger/harm--physical and metaphysical; personal magnetism; charm;
a commanding-presence; to subdue bullies; acquire luck; etc. The item may
be carried or installed in one's home. No negative side-effect.
Code: Magick532
This motherly fairy can help improve your mundane life and help unfold
your psychic senses and acquire magickal skills/knowledge--an essential magickal
assistant for practitioners of the occult/magickal arts. The Fairy God-Mother
may be commanded to assist you in matters of protection; finances,
personal-relationships; soul-mate; career; luck, learning magickal/occult
arts/skills, etc. The Fairy God-Mother will follow you around to help protect
you from harm and to fulfill your needs--its presence can be felt and if
you have some clairvoyant ability you may even see it. When this happens
you may converse freely with the Fairy God-Mother. It is possible that you
may also meet the genie-fairy in your dreams or when you are in the
borderline-state between dreaming and being physically conscious. The Fairy
God-Mother comes with an object which it associates itself with--and its
name is given. This item is easy to use and only requires basic occult skills
in visualization, concentration, attunement, relaxation, etc. Chanting required.
Stock is limited.
Genie of Worldy Abundance
Code: Magick533
A simple to use genie-item for worldly abundance--be this money, property,
gold, possessions, food, etc. A life-long help! The item may at a later stage
be given to your children or grandchildren--no negative side-effects! Simple
chanting required for commanding the genie.
Genie of Light
Code: Magick534
Truth seekers and yogic practitioners will find much assistance with
this spiritually-oriented genie. Though this genie can be requested to assist
in mundane matters, its main interest, expertise and focus lies in helping
the user to progress in his/her spiritual training or sadhana. It
can strengthen your body when you need to fast; help to remove psychic
disturbances when you meditate; help to remind you of your spiritual sessions;
protect you from vicious psychic attacks of envious and jealous peers, etc.
Request the genie to assist you in your training, assign it certain tasks,
or command it to help manifest your spiritual desires. Simple chanting is
required for commanding the genie. Stock is limited.
Code: Magick535
A powerful magickal item with two genies representing both father/mother,
masculine/feminine genders and essences. The two genies work together to
assist you to fulfill your needs and requirements. They are especially skilled
in domestic and relationship issues--help to resolve conflicts and differences.
They are also helpful in other mundane matters such as warding-off negative
forces; protection against mishaps; social popularity; financial improvement;
career advancements, etc. Simple chanting is required for commanding the
genies. The item comes with an exquisite brass magickal vessel. Stock is
Fairy of the South Java
Code: Magick536
A fairy-servant from the magickal kingdom of the Fairy-Queen, "Ratu
Kidul." This exquisite-looking fairy has expertise in sexual matters, even
assisting impotent men regain their manhood. This fairy can increase your
sex-appeal, your sexual magnetism and prowess. She will add to your charm
and your attractiveness--excellent for attracting the opposite sex and in
romantic affairs. The Fairy of the South Java Sea can be commanded to assist
you in various other matters such as the attainment of prosperity, luck,
protection, etc. Simple chanting is required for commanding the fairy. Stock
is limited.
Genie of the Arabian
Code: Magick537
A genie that understands arabic, having its roots in the Middle East.
If you speak arabic you will find that this genie understands your
command/requests without much effort. The genie, though a local, is a muslim
and especially serves those who are also muslims. The genie may be assigned
tasks for various matters and help you solve problems such as financial/business
issues, social popularity, charm, a commanding presence, luck, protection,
etc. Simple chanting is required of koranic verses and a Javanese mantra.
Stock is limited.
Javanese Kejawen
Code: Magick538
If you would like to improve your mastery of Javanese occultism,
al-Hikmah, and Kejawen, this is the genie item to acquire. The genie can
help inspire, strengthen, empower, and psychically guide you to master Javanese
"ilmu" and to help you unfold/develop your dormant psychic potentials. If
you have a metaphysical practice the genie can also assist you in healing
matters or convey information to your mind in a psychic manner--a good
relationship with the genie can eventually bring this about. This genie can
be commanded and you may assign tasks or request assistance in any mundane
and worldly matter. Simple chanting is required. Stock is limited.
The Legendary
Code: Magick543
The legendary boy-spirit that brings luck, prosperity and wealth to
its master/mistress. No matter what business or trade you may be involved
in, this boy-spirit will help your sales and finances to improve. Have a
good relationship with this boy-spirit and you will always be assisted to
attain abundance and never suffer from want or poverty. The spirit may follow
you around to influence people to enrich and benefit you in every way. Win
the favors of superiors, business associates, the opposite sex, clients,
etc. Now you have a power to deal with difficult people and have them turn
to your point-of-view. A 7-day ritual-chanting is required but it is not
difficult to do. Stock is limited, so get yours now before the adept-producer
decides to cease producing this occult curio.
The Muse
Code: Magick544
This fairy will help to increase and expand your creativity. It will
offer you inspiration, creative ideas, intuitive knowledge, understanding,
wisdom, guidance, etc. It is suitable for those with creative hobbies, inventors,
artists, writers, business CEO, managers, students, researchers, scientists,
philosophers, etc. Once the fairy understands your field of interest, the
work that you do, your special hobby--it will endeavor to assist you with
its insight and with potentially lucrative, brilliant ideas from the abstract
realms of thought to manifest in this world of form--be the one to channel
these ideas! Like Socrates and the geniuses of the past, now you may have
your own muse! The fairy can also be commanded to assist you in any worldly
matter or to help you solve problems, financial, social, relationships, etc.
Some chanting is required but it is not difficult to do. Stock is
The Industrious
Code: Magick551
A genie who will strive in every way to assist you to solve your problems,
directly or indirectly--problems related to luck, career, soul-mate, attraction,
charm, commanding presence, protection, the study of the occult/magick, etc.
This genie may appear before you if conditions are right or manifest its
presence in some manner. The item requires chanting for commanding the genie,
but it is not difficult. Stock is limited.
The Bodyguard
Code: Magick552
An easy to use genie item! The spirit-intelligence of this magickal
object protects its master from physical, psychic, and magickal harm. As
a spirit-bodyguard, it protects the one it serves against violence, bullies,
stick-ups, torture, enemies, slander, the evil machinations of men, black
magick, psychic attacks, malicious entities, accients, mishaps, etc. It helps
neutralize/immobilize the many obstacles in your life that have as yet to
be manifested or is unseen /hidden in your daily life and experience so that
all your endeavors will run smoothly. If anything is amiss, or does not feel
right, the genie may whisper warnmings clearly to your sense of hearing.
This item requires some simple chanting--nothing difficult. Stock is
The Genie
Code: Magick553
This handsome and macho genie can assist you in solving many social
and mundane matters. The genie can help you to appear charming, macho and
irresistible; he can fill you with personal magnetism and a commanding presence.
The Genie Prince can influence others to be sympathetic to your desires and
cause others to be fond of you and like you immensely. The genie can help
you to progress in your political and military/martial career and even protect
whatever office, appointment, or station you have attained. This Genie-Prince
will be your shield against negative forces. The genie will make you lucky
in every aspect. The Genie-Prince can be commanded and you can assign specific
tasks to it. Some chanting is required but it is not too difficult. Stock
is limited.
Temple Genie
Code: Magick558
A highly-skilled temple-genie from a sacred-site in East Java, Indonesia!
This genie can help you improve your psychic-sensitivity, ESP, and assist
you to heal others or to solve problems. If you have a spiritual, psychic,
magiickal, shamanic, or a metaphysical practice, this is the genie to acquire
as your personal assistant. T\he Temple-Genie will also help you to develop
charm, personal magnetism, a commanding-presence, etc. Wherever
you go, the Genie may follow you around--its presence can be felt and if
you have some clairvoyant ability you may even see it. When this happens
you may converse freely with this handsome-looking genie. It is possible
that you may also meet the genie in your dreams or when you are in the
borderline-state between dreaming and being physically conscious. The
temple-genie comes with an object which it associates itself with--and its
name is given. This item is easy to use and only requires basic occult skills
in visualization, concentration, attunement, relaxation, etc. Stock is
Naga Suwuk Mini
Code: Magick564
An easy to use khodamic/genie item for phsycial protection and prosperity.
The spirit-intelligence is anchored to the magickally empowered mini keris
with the dapur or form of "Naga Suwuk." The keris measures approx. 15cm long
and can easily be carried in one's pocket, hand-bag, brief-case, etc. This
item is easy to use--the name of the genie is given.
Magickal Genie Pot
Code: Magick576
Three genies are anchored to this empowered miniature magickal pot.
The purpose of this occult curio is to help the user to quickly attain his/her
desires, to realize dreams in the quickest time possible. The genies are
pleased to assist their Keeper in matters of finances; career; attracting
a soul-mate; luck; advancement in rank/office; win tenders; general attraction;
protection from harm; build-up a commanding presence; awakening occult ability,
etc. Some chanting is required to command the genies but it is not difficult.
The genies are made active and respond with the recitation of the Javanese
mantra. If you are looking for a simple genie item to work with--this is
the item to choose!
The Yellow Fairy
Code: Magick577
A highly intelligent, and knowledgeable fairy who can
help you achieve success in your life and to attain your desires. Command
this fairy to help you improve your finances; advance your career or help
you get a job; attract a soul-mate; be lucky in all mundane affairs; help
you to understand/know more of the occult and to develop psychic
skills/abilities, etc. The fairy will follow you around in your daily affairs
to assist, protect, inspire, etc. Extensive chanting required for commanding
this fairy. Stock is limited.
Genie Servants of the Mystic
Code: Magick588
These genie servants, a male and a female, if it pleases Allah,
will serve you in matters of financial/business/sales improvement; solving
problems; attraction; gaining sympathy; protection against psychic attacks,
malicious entities, black magick, These genie servants, a male and
a female, if it pleases Allah, will serve you in matters of
financial/business/sales improvement; solving problems; attraction; gaining
sympathy; protection against psychic attacks, malicious entities, black-magick,
etc. They can help you attain reasonable desires quickly. The genies come
from a forest in East Java well-known for its power-spots and genie-kingdoms.
The commanding ritual of this item is not too difficult to do; the genies
are activated by chanting certain names/prayer verses.
The Javanese Genie
Code: Magick593
If you are searching for a genie that requires no commanding but who
will automatically aid you in every way--this is the item to choose. No chanting
or rituals required. Simply carry this item with you wherever you go. The
genie will analyze your situation and help you whenever there is a need in
matters of protection, career advancement, domestic harmony, business
improvement, luck, etc. With this magickal item you will stand firm and not
be easily moved by enemies, competitors, rivals, etc. Military officers,
politicians, business persons would benefit much from this item.
Gumanthong Blessing
Code: Magick595
A long sought-for item by collector's of magickal curio-powers! This
magickal item with a "Gumanthong" or "child spirit-servant," helps to bless
the home with harmony, abundance, luck, good fortune, etc. It functions
automatically though it can be commanded, through chanting, for specific
purposes or desires, by the will of Allah. This item has no side-effects
and is safe to be present in your home amidst your family. Like all genie-items,
this item can be passed down to your children, and your children's children
making it a magickal family heirloom.
The Giant
Code: Magick596
This gentle Giant Genie can be your most loyal spirit-companion who
will aid and improve your life according to your command; the Giant Genie
can help improve your luck; advance your career, acquire a job/get promoted;
pay debts/acquire loans; be attractive; it can increase your personal magnetism
and overshadow you with a commanding presence; the Giant Genie will protect
you or be your bodyguard and can help you be victorious in your undertakings;
the genie can aid you with health problems as well as many other things.
Please note that this is not a conjuration as the genie is already present
and attached to an object. This item requires some chanting to command the
Giant Genie--it is not difficult.
The Fiery Super
Code: Magick597
This magickal Fiery Super Genie can help its Keeper to be
more psychic and possess occult knowledge and skills; it is one of the rare
genies that can often appear to its Keeper if the latter has a good relationship
with it and well attuned with its energies; it can choose to manifest in
any manner to make itself known--this may all take time and the process of
getting acquainted. The genie can be commanded to aid you for various purposes
such as gaining luck; prosperity; career advancement; acquire a soul-mate;
acquire a commanding presence; protect the home, etc. Some chanting is required
to command the genie--the latter may even aid you in every aspect of your
life without any specific command.
The Scented
Code: Magick600
This fairy comes from a power-spot, a sacred-site in East Java along
the coast. This fairy-spirit carries a sweet aroma with her everywhere she
goes. She may be commanded for various purposes related to domestic issues;
love; attraction; health; career; prosperity; luck; psychic development;
magickal knowledge, etc. Chanting is required to command the fairy for specific
purposes/desires, with the will and permission of Allah, the chanting is
a little intense. The fairy may follow you wherever you go and will be at
hand to wave her magick wand or sprinkle fairy dust whenever she deems it
necessary to help improve your life. Stock is limited.
Fairy of
Code: Magick601
A fairy that brings joy and harmony wherever she goes! She comes from
a sacred site in East Java. This fairy being can help its Keeper to establish
domestic harmony in the home; it can be commanded to aid in various matters
such as romance, relationship-issues; luck; personal magnetism; enhancement
of psychic senses; intuition; abundance; prosperity; career advancement;
social popularity, etc. This fairy may follow you wherever you go to aid
you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some chanting is required to command
the fairy, but it is not too difficult.
The Genie
Code: Magick602
One of the most powerful genies offered by the Javanese adepts of
ilmu al-Hikmah here in Java! If you have other genies in your collection,
store this one separately as this one may cause others to feel uncomfortable.
This genie serves its Keeper in many ways and can be commanded for matters
related to protection, prosperity, career, charisma, personal-magnetism,
healing, etc. It is recommended that the user gain experiences with other
genies that we offer prior to acquiring and practicing with this item. Chanting
is required to command the genie but it is not too difficult. Stock is
The Genie Queen
Code: Magick603
One of the most powerful genies offered by the Javanese adepts of
ilmu al-Hikmah here in Java! If you have other genies in your collection,
store this one separately as this one may cause others to feel uncomfortable,
or store it with its companion, the Genie King. This Genie Queen, like the
king-genie, serves its Keeper in many ways and can be commanded for matters
related to protection, prosperity, career, charisma, personal-magnetism,
healing, etc. It is recommended that the user gain experiences with other
genies that we offer prior to acquiring and practicing with this item. Chanting
is required to command the genie but it is not too difficult. Stock is
Genie King of the Middle
Code: Magick604
A genie of a higher class, a "king" amongst the regular genies--this
one comes from the Middle East and Arabic is its native tongue. This type
of genie is acquired by the occult adept with great difficulty and thus its
availability is limited. This king genie, like the regular genie kings, can
be requested to assist its user to improve many aspects of his/her life.
The difference between genies of the royal class and the regular genies is
that these higher class genies work much faster, is much stronger, and give
better results; command the genie for charisma, protection, personal magnetism,
prosperity, luck, love, advancement in career, win tenders, business success,
political advancement, etc. If you have other genies in your collection,
store this one separately as this genie may cause others to feel uncomfortable.
It is recommended that the user gain experiences with other genies that we
offer prior to acquiring and practicing with this item. Chanting is required
to command the genie but it is not too difficult.
Genie Queen of the Middle
Code: Magick605
A genie of a higher class, a "queen" amongst the regular genies--this
one comes from the Middle East and Arabic is its native tongue. This type
of genie is acquired by the occult adept with great difficulty and thus its
availability is limited. This queen genie, like the regular genie/fairy queens,
can be requested to assist its user to improve many aspects of his/her life.
The difference between genies of the royal class and the regular genies is
that these higher class genies work much faster, is much stronger, and give
better results; command the genie for charisma, protection, personal magnetism,
prosperity, luck, love, advancement in career, win tenders, business success,
political advancement, etc. If you have other genies in your collection,
store this one separately as this genie may cause others to feel uncomfortable.
It is recommended that the user gain experiences with other genies that we
offer prior to acquiring and practicing with this item. Chanting is required
to command the genie but it is not too difficult.
Batara Karang Spirit
Code: Magick614
The power and spirit-intelligence of this magickal item comes from
the shamanic tradition of Javanese occultism. The spirit-intelligence is
of a class/type that is scarce, and long sought for by many native
occultists--now it is presented here to those who are keen on being its Keeper;
because of its rarity we carry only a few in stock. The associated spirit
of this item is referred to as a "Batara Karang," a "god" or master of psychic
forces. It is especially helpful in matters of prosperity, wealth, abundance;
protection; charisma; a commanding presence; problem-solving, etc. It can
be commanded for many matters. This spirit embraces Islam and its moral
principles. Unlike other spirits of its kind, this Batara Karang spirit does
not require any animal or blood sacrifices and will gladly assist its Keeper
to improve his/her life--it assists because work helps itself to grow in
intelligence, skill, power, spiritual awareness, etc. This item is not difficult
to use (chanting is required to command the spirit-chants/prayers are in
Arabic/Javanese) but it would be best that its intended Keeper has experiences
in the occult and especially have worked with other spirit/genie/fairy
Naga-Raja Spirit--Earth Lord of
Code: Magick615
This scarce, occult spirit-item will aid you to attain prosperity,
wealth, riches, luck, career advancement, and abundance. The spirit is a
very high-class "dragon" lord, often referred to as a "wealth deity." Some
chanting in Javanese/Arabic is required to use this item, to command the
spirit, however, it is not too difficult. This magickal curio can be handed
down to your children, grandchildren as a family heirloom. Like all genie/fairy
items that we offer, there are no negative side-effects with the usage of
this item. The power of this item is simply a support, a tool of the Source,
your real aid comes from the Almighty.
General-Blessing Fairy
Code: Magick625
An easy to use occult curio with a fairy-khodam associated with it.
Carry this item or install it in a proper place for luck, prosperity, success
in business/trading, career-advancement, popularity, promotions, successful
debt-collection, charisma, a commanding-presence, protection, safety during
travels, health, house/vehicle protection against accidents, thefts, etc.
Some chanting required but it is not difficult to do. Especially suitable
for novices of the occult. Please note that this is not a conjuration spell,
the fairy-khodam is already present with the curio-this is a Javanese occult
Genie of Success
Code: Magick636
With the help of this Javanese genie you can have a greater success
in your mundane endeavors--especially helpful in matters of luck; career;
promotions; business negotiations; winning of tenders; courting of prospective
marriage-partners; collecting debts; healing and spiritual work; influencing
others; legal courtroom matters; protection, etc. Some chanting required
but it is not difficult to do. Especially suitable for novices of the occult.
Please note that this is not a conjuration spell, the genie is already present
with the curio-this is a Javanese occult item.
The Fairy Goddess of the
Code: Magick638
This deva or fairy-goddess spirit, originates from a very sacred site
in the island of Java; she is associated with the qualities and hidden forces
of the moon; she is very congenial, humble, and powerful. She can help its
Keeper in matters of love; romance; attraction; luck; personal magnetism;
charm; youth; beauty; healing feminine problems of the body; ease in child-labor;
enhance one's psychic faculties; abundance; protection; personal empowerment;
etc. This item requires some intensive chanting--not for occult novices or
beginners in the practice of magick.
Magickal Boy Khodam
Code: Magick641
This Javanese Magickal Boy Khodam aids its Keeper to be successful
in business, in trade, and in whatever service that the latter offers to
the public. It is especially useful in filling one's shop, store, or restaurant
with customers/clients. Some chanting is required though it is not difficult
to do.
Flower-Queen Khodam
Code: Magick643
Photos of
This magickal curio has been empowered with metaphysical/occult forces
and a spirit-khodam that can help you to be successful in all of your mundane
endeavors; it helps you to attract luck from all quarters of the compass;
your business, rank, career, and office would be raised to a higher level;
your finances and social life would improve; problems are easily solved.
Some simple chanting required of this al-Hikmah item.
Lord of Love Khodam
Code: Magick644
Photos of
This khodam has an expertise in romance/love matters and can help
you acquire an appropriate soul-mate; he can help calm down fiery situations
in the home and establish domestic harmony; he also aids in the following
matters: getting a job, a raise, promotions; gain respect from inferiors,
peers, and superiors in the work environment; acquire lots of clients and
an increase in sales of goods and commodities for shop owners and traders;
helps one to be an efficient salesperson--sell things easily; the item can
help heal ailments of a physical or non-physical origin; helps to heal
possessions and those influenced by black-magick/psychic attacks or malicious
entities; helps one to have children and an easy labor during giving birth;
helps to improve one's mental faculties; aids in one's metaphysical practice
and attracting lots of clients. This item is easy to use without any chanting
Sylphan Khodam Warrior of
Code: Magick650
Photos of
This genie native to high mountain peaks and tops, desire to assist
you to solve the problems in life and to help fulfill your needs--with the
permission and authority of Allah SWT, they will do so, and the positive
effects and beneficial improvements in your life will be seen. This genie
can help you in matters of prosperity, social/career advancement, romance,
protection, charisma, artistic inspiration, etc.; Some chanting is required
to direct the activities of this genie. This item is a blend of Javanese-al
Hikmah occultism. Stock is limited.
Genie of Blessings
Code: Magick653
Photos of
If you need that extra magickal assistance to
help improve your life and to aid you in your magickal studies, this is the
genie that can prove to be useful. The genie will administer to your needs,
directly or indirectly, in various matters such as finances; prosperity;
career; luck; romance; progress in military/governmental office; protection,
etc. The genie can aid you in your magickal progress and in metaphysical
matters; the genie can work independently without any personal direction
on your part, or it can be directed to assist you in specific matters of
which chanting is required. This item is limited in stock--only a few
Javanese Personal Khodam of Prosperity &
Photos of
This empowered occult curio with a Javanese Spirit-Khodam
associated with it, helps its Keeper to be lucky in his or her mundane endeavors;
it attracts beneficial forces and luck from all points of the compass; the
power and spirit-intelligence of this item helps promote one's social and
financial standing; it helps to improve business, trade; commercial activities,
etc. It attracts wealth, windfalls, advances one's career, and help to dissolve
problems obstructing financial growth. This magickal item has many other
virtues that the Keeper will personally discover in time. This item requires
some chanting but it is not too difficult. The item is small and can be carried
in the pocket, wallet, purse, etc.
Fairy of the Majaphit
Code: Magick657
Photos of
A benign fairy-being of the old Hindu Majapahit Kingdom of Java.
She is powerful, old, and knowledgeable; this exquisite fairy can assist
you to progress in life and to help you in political, diplomatic, judicial,
business, and social matters. She can help you solve problems and be by your
side to protect you from attacks in all forms, physical and magickal. Some
chanting is required. Stock is limited--only a few available!
For orders, price list, or inquiries please,
These photos were taken by the adept-producer of some of the genie/fairy items that we offer. These were being prepared for the final product presented in the genie/fairy magickal items. If you look closely you may see resemblances of the head, facial features, body and limbs. A specail occult method, formula and mantra was used by the photographer, using a mobile phone, to cause the genies to appear for the camera. The spirits employ luminous ectoplasmic substances to manifest in some way--they may appear differently when seen clairvoyantly as they are on the asttral or etheric realms. Size is also relative--as seen through psychic vision they are much larger.
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