Rare and magickal legendary pearls available!!! Read on!
For more information, please visit these websites and pages:
Wonderful, Magickal
Mustika-Pearls Some photographs of untumbled pearls Visit this site for more info on "bezoar stones" (mustikas) Albertus Seba's Cabinet of Natural Curiosities The Dragon and the Pearl Dragons & Dragon Stones at Mt. Pilatus, Switzerland Visit this site for info on Vedic Pearls and the glass-nature of some Magickal Pearls Wikipedia--Nine Pearls Gastric bezoars in humans Bezoarmustikapearls |
Stones by Larry Castle Magickal Creatures Vegetable-Ivory Pearls References on Animal/Plant Stones in Old Literature Visit this site for info on precious and animal stones How Magickal Pearls Are Acquired Visit this site for: "The Other Pearls--SRI ASTA MOTI The Eight Pearls" Visit this site for: Shamanism--Working with Animal Spirits Animal Stones Find Out Your Animal Totem Sayahda: Animal Totems |
Notice: This section will no longer be updated with
new mustika pearls; their availability and current prices will not be reflected
here. Our magickal pearl section now has an independent site. Please visit
for magickal mustika pearls/bezoar stones.
What are Mustikas?
Mustikas are unusual objects formed in animals and plants. They may assume the shape of regular oyster-pearls and tumbled stones or in unusual shapes and sizes. In their unpolished /untumbledstate, they have a rough texture. Unlike oysters that form pearls out of irritation, Nature forms these pearls in the bodies of diverse animals, plants and fruits for some reason unknown as yet to us. They are unusual creations that may correspond to human cancers, cysts, and tumors. Not all animals or plants of the same species form these pearls, but they possibly do occur in almost every living being.
Unusual pearls have also been found in the bodies of saints and holy people; this might possibly be an indication that animal and plant pearls are the manifestation of an organism's highest energy crystallized and formed out of conscious or subconscious aspiration for a higher evolutionary level or state.
Some mustikas are fossilized parts of an animal or a plant, such as the eyes of a creature. After thousands or millions of years these eyes through a natural process have crystallized, hardened and acquired occult powers. The formation of a mustika pearl or a fossilized body-part are directed by Nature's invisible forces and intelligences. Normally these intelligences are elemental spirits that guide the process of the creation of a mustika pearl, and they subsequently make these pearls or fossils their home. Those carrying these pearls are served by the indwelling elementals in various ways; they help to strengthen the carrier's aura and nervous system; they bestow positive energies; they empower the brain centers, etc.
The natural energies of these pearls attracts luck, neutralizes and wards-off negative forces. They have a natural tonic effect upon the physical system. They are more powerful than ordinary gemstones and crystals. Added onto ritualistic items such as wands, they would truly empower an occult practitioner's magickal operations. Western occultists have yet to investigate and discover the power of these mustika pearls that heretofore have only been mentioned in myths and fairy tales.
Mustikas are widely known in South-East Asia, India, and other countries of the East. Malays, for instance, call Mustikas "Geliga"; Phlipinos call them "Mutya." Occidental naturalists of the past referred to them as "bezoar stones." The powerful stones told in tales and legends are actually mustikas. The Sanskrit text, "Sri Garuda-Puranam," speaks in detail of these pearls. In essence it declares a man acquires great fortune and blessings by possessing a mustika.
These magickal pearls are one-of-a-kind, unique, rare, and powerful. It is said that only fortunate people are able to acquire and keep them.
Where Are They Mostly Found and Acquired?
The mustikas--pearls and fossils accessible to us from our sources--have been acquired mostly in the Indonesian archipelago. They have been discovered in caves, jungles, sacred places, historical sites and in the remains of animals and plants. Some of them were magickally retrieved from the etheric planes by occultists who specializes in this unusual feat. The power within these pearls are sometimes known by the psychic struggle the occultist had to go through with the spirit guardians in order to acquire them. Quite a number of these pearls were gifts to our sources by tribal shamans and chieftians.
How the existence and virtues of the pearls are discovered could sometimes occur quite by accident. For instance, tribal hunters may find an animal exhibiting a degree of invulnerability to their weapons; after having finally killed the animal with the help of a shaman, they would discover that the creature possessed strange pearls lodged or embedded in their head or body. Subsequent investigation would reveal that it was these pearls that gave the animal its invulnerability power. Animals are not hunted or killed for mustikas/pearls as shamans know that they are hardly found in that manner--the discovery of a pearl are often incidental to the killing of a creature for food or because they are a menace to villagers. Pearls are mostly found in the remains, dens, and nests of the creatures.
Not all of these pearls present within an animal are formed in the animal itself. Some were formed elsewhere but somehow found their way into the animals's system. An example of a true formation by a creature is the centipede pearl. This pearl is formed by the mucous of the giant centipede, which it plays about with its mandibles and then places it on top of its head where it crystallizes and in time falls off to the ground. This mustika pearl is prized by gamblers for the luck that it bestows upon its master.
Generally speaking, the virtues of pearls are known by the observation of their effects in one's daily life as they are carried, and by psychic contact with the indwelling elemental spirit. Some of the pearls have quite unusual physical effects, such as the costly and rare Mustika Merah Delima that tinges water where it is immersed in with a red coloring--or so the story goes.
How to Determine the Real from the Fake
There are various ways for determining whether a mustika is real or a fake. Some of the various points to be considered are the following :
The Energy Present
When a pearl is held between the thumb and forefinger, as the breath is held,
energy would be felt as issuing forth from it. The longer it is held the
stronger will the energy be palpable. The energy would run through one's
arm and finally reach the heart or to one of the other chakras within the
body depending upon its quality. Fakes do not give such sensations.
The Presence of an Elemental Spirit
Each and every one of the mustika pearls have an indwelling elemental
spirit--fakes do not have them. The presence of the spirit may be felt and
communciated with by a psychic.
The Medicinal Properties.
Without exception, all mustikas have vibrational healing virtues which may
be tapped into. Again, fakes do not possess such power.
The Difference Between Mustikas and Ordinary Consecrated Talismans
There are several principles that differentiates mustika pearls from talismans. Among them :
1) Mustikas are empowered by Nature's forces and intelligences--unlike talismans which are consecrated by human operators.
2) The power and elemental spirit within a mustika pearl are not extinguishable or transferable to other objects, unlike the power within talismans which may be magickally neutralized or transferred to other items.
3) No observances or prayers are required by mustikas in order to maintain its power or have them function perfectly--unlike talismans which do.
The Mustika Collection
Below and in the next few pages we present some of the pearls available. The pictures are not well-taken, though. Some of them are distorted and do not portray the true beauty of the pearls. Because of their rarity and popularity, these pearls sell fast; therefore please contact us for their availability. There is no one pearl alike. The pearls that we distribute from our sources have been verified by quite a number of psychics as to their genuineness. There are many fakes in the market so it would be wise to acquire mustika-pearls from a reliable source.
Pearls from the same plant or animal may differ slightly or even greatly in form, size, color, etc. The photographs below are just samples. Each without exception, have their own elemental spirit dwelling in them--this is one of the factors that distinguish them from ordinary cut/tumbled stones. Fossilized "pearls" differ from the regular mustika-pearls--most of these do not have elemental-spirits dwelling in them; we include them in this section as they are akin to mustika-pearls and have magickal power within them.
These creations of Nature are anomalies immortalized as beautiful and powerful pearls! They are difficult to acquire, but people that do acquire them, are blessed indeed. The magickal power of the pearls would fill one's life with extremely positive energies, attracting luck, prosperity, health, love, etc.
Some of these pearls are fragile and great care must be given to their handling.
Certain transparent type of pearls may be "glass" formed by Nature. The how and why of some of these are not known. Lab testing may indicate "glass" in their reports but this does not explain their origin when shamans and even laypersons have found these pearls in the dens and in the bodies of animals--especially snakes. These conflicting reports have gone on for centuries.
The name of the elemental spirit that dwells within a pearl will be given when a pearl is requested, so that psychic contact and communication may be facilitated by those with such paranormal abilities. Simple methods for tapping their power will also be given.
More types of pearls will be added to these pages in the course of time. If you are seriously interested in any one of them simply contact us by email and let us know. A 20% discount is given for the purchase of 5 or more of these pearls worth $400 each or less. More costly pearls are considered individually for their discounts. Untumbled pearls may be tumbled if requested.
Golden Cobra Pearl Only 2 more available! Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Cobra Pearl--Type B
These are much darker than the ones above and are more opaque. Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing; regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Cobra Pearl--Type C Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing; regeneration.
Cobra Pearl--Type D Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing; regeneration.
Red Cobra Pearl--Type A
Red Cobra Pearl--Type B
Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
"Spitting" Cobra Pearl Several available! Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type B Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type C The large one on the left is sold. Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type D Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type E
No.1 Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type F Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type G Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
White King Cobra Pearl--Type H Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration.
Red King Cobra Pearl Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing; regeneration.
Crown of Red King Cobra--Type B. Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing; regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Cobra-Gall Pearl Only one left! Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing, regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Black Cobra Pearl--Type A Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; mystical development; healing; neutralizes poison, regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Black Cobra Pearl--Type B Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; mystical development; healing; neutralizes poison, regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Black Cobra Pearl--Type C Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Black Cobra Pearl--Type D (S) Attracts luck; improves business and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Green Cobra Pearl Several available!
Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
"Siluman" Cobra Pearl (S)
Crown of Red King Cobra--Type A. Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing; regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Crown of King Cobra Improves business; charisma; wards-off bad luck/negative energies; healing, regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Black Cobra Pearl--Type D Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; mystical development; healing; neutralizes poison, regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone |
Black Cobra Pearl--Type E Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; mystical development; healing; neutralizes poison, regeneration. Note: These pearls may be the legendary Shaman Produced Snake Stone
Black Cobra Pearl--Type F Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; mystical development; healing; neutralizes poison, regeneration.
Cobra-Semen Pearl |
Pearl of Brahma Snake Attracts luck; improves business and social life; wards-off negative energies; neutralizes poison. |
Chicken Pearl Improves speculative sense; wards-off bad luck; gives courage; protection; healing;
Rooster (Chicken) Pearl--Type A Improves speculative sense; wards-off bad luck; gives courage; protection; healing; |
Rooster (Chicken) Pearl--Type B Improves speculative sense; wards-off bad luck; gives courage; protection; healing; |
Rooster (Chicken) Pearl--Type C Improves speculative sense; wards-off bad luck; gives courage; protection; healing; |
Duck Pearl Improves speculative sense; wards-off bad luck; gives courage; protection; healing; |
Centipede Pearl--Large For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Pearl--Small For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Pearl--Black A For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Pearl--Black B For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Pearl--Golden (S) For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing.
Centipede Pearl--Violet For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
"Kelabang Kumala"-Centipede Pearl The Kelabang Kumala Centipede Pearl are the types that pawang-shamans say glow in the dark, but only when the pearl is still being wielded by the creature. Many believe that these pearls confer the ability to see through walls, to help one possess etheric vision. Sought for by gamblers!
Type A For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing.
"Kelabang Kumala"-Centipede Whisker Pearl
For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
"Kelabang Kures"-Centipede Pearl Several available! For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Giant Centipede Pearl For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede-Crown Pearl--Huge Colored Types (S) For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing.
Centipede Golden-Crown (S) For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Blue-Crown For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Feeler/Whisker Pearl--Type A Not as powerful as the regular centipede pearls For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Feeler/Whisker Pearl--Type B Not as powerful as the regular centipede pearls For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Feeler/Whisker Pearl--Type C Not as powerful as the regular centipede pearls. These are of a darker shade. The red ones are actually darker than they appear to be--camera's flash gave them a lighter hue. For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Feeler/Whisker Pearl--Type D Not as powerful as the regular centipede pearls. For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Centipede Feeler/Whisker Pearl--Type E Not as powerful as the regular centipede pearls. For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
Fossilized Centipede's Eyes Not as powerful as the regular centipede pearls. For luck in gambling; attracts luck; improves social life; wards-off black magick; healing. |
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